Casa Grande
Vermejo Park Ranch, New Mexico
Vermejo Park Ranch is a remarkable property with many riches. Along with its significant acreage, vistas and varied terrain, bodies of water, commercial assets, and existing and renewed infrastructure, there is a body of unique and historic architecture. Central to this is the building known as Casa Grande.
At the time Conron & Woods Architects was commissioned to conduct the Preservation Assessment for Casa Grande, the century-old structure was in exceptional condition. It had benefitted from only having a limited number of construction episodes and maintained much of its historic integrity. At the same time, many internal building systems had reached the end of serviceability. There were numerous life safety and code-related issues that posed risks to both the occupants and the structure itself. The choice to continue using Casa Grande put it at a crossroads.
Our work included complete documentation of the property. Complete documentation included the creation of measured drawings, numerous photographs, historic research, evaluation of building systems, analysis of building methods and materials, and in some cases archeological research. We prepared a set of detailed drawings representing the existing building as it stood, including floor plans, building sections, exterior elevations, and inventories of doors, windows, and finishes. Our assessment laid out a proposed budget and time frame for preservation efforts based upon our previous experience working on like projects and provided a strong base for decision-making on the part of the owner.